Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (TA)
Pump-Dump-Probe Spectroscopy
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS)
Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (fsSRS)
4-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy
Surface-Specific Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy (Vib-SFG)
Photon Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TPF/TPEF)
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy (SHG)
Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy (THG)
Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Heat-Affected-Zone-Free, Embrittlement-Free Ablation (Micromachining)
ShapeShifter� is a
state-of-the-art research tool that can be configured to perform experiments
using many different types of nonlinear processes. It is designed, fabricated
and tested using field-proven components from a single manufacturer, thereby
minimizing your technology adoption risk.
ShapeShifter� is
capable of meeting your current needs while retaining the flexibility to add
options1 that include pulsewidth as short as 15fs2, a
large range of pump and probe wavelengths (e.g. sub-200 nm to beyond 10 microns)
with decay times ranging from sub-30 femtoseconds to nanoseconds, and at
user-selectable repetition rates that are variable from single-shot to multiple
kHz. It can be used to explore heat-affected-zone and embrittlement-free
structuring in a wide variety of materials using pulse widths that are variable
from 30fs to 10ps.
begins with the field proven Model CPA-series patented, fiber-oscillator-
seeded, Ti:Sapphire amplifier3. The output beam of the Model CPA can
be split into as many as seven beams to pump as many as seven tunable,
non-collinear OPAs (NOPAs). Or you can use one beam to generate multiple
continua and/or you can microstructure materials to create features smaller than
1 micron. Clearly, ShapeShifter� is the ideal tool for a user facility.
Why limit your
future options when ShapeShifter� offers you unmatched flexibility to go where
your research takes you?
Only an
introduction to ShapeShifter� can be provided here due to space limitations.
Please contact us to find out how ShapeShifter� can be configured to meet your
specific needs.
1 May require some
additional components. Please contact us for more information.
2 Riedle, M. E.
Beutter, S. Lochbrunner, J. Piel, S. Schenkl, S. Sp�rlein, W. Zinth Appl. Phys.
B 71, 457 - 465 (2000) Generation of 10 to 50 fs
pulsestunable through all of the visible and the NIR.
3 Patent #5,530,582
Universal Scanning
Spectrophotometer Ultrafast Micromachining
Workstation Non-Collinear Optical
Parametric Amplifier Ti:Sapphire
Ultrashort Pulse Laser
Fully-Integrated Tunable Ultrafast Source for Microscopy Applications
High-Average-Power Femtosecond Laser |