The STC-Spark-OPO and STC-Spark-OPO-HP is
a near to mid-infrared quasi-CW optical parametric
oscillator. It provides exceptional tunability and power
across the near-infrared, making it an ideal light source
for a wide range of application areas (from multi-photon
microscopy to spectroscopy). Our ultrafast optical
parametric oscillator technology can generate light from 1.4
�m to 4.2 �m with picosecond pulsewidths. With a fully
integrated pump source it is able to deliver high average
power at both the signal and idler wavelengths with
exceptional reliability. We also provide access to the fixed
wavelength pump light, making it suitable for CARS
OPO crystal can be optimized for specific wavelength
ranges down to 1.35�m
Power depends on mirror set used, can be customer
OPO crystal can be optimized for specific wavelength
ranges up to 4.2�m
Power depends on mirror set used, can be customer
Integrated Spark 1040 laser oscillator
Further details of pump source on request
100 MHz / Monitor photodiode
Lock-to-clock option available
Linearly polarized / Divergence < 2 mrad
Ethernet, and web page Serial port (for control via
Custom interface available
765 x 240 x 82 mm (laser head)
483 x 285 x 86 mm (control unit)
18 kg (laser head) / 2 kg (control unit)
Voltage110 � 240 V AC / Frequency 50 � 60 Hz / Power
Quasi-CW output from 1.48 � 4.2 �m
Up to 800 mW from signal port and 250
mW from idler port
Optional 3rd output port delivers 500
mW at 1040 nm
100 MHz repetition frequency
Linearly polarized free-space output
Lock-to-clock option
Web-based laser control
Easy to use interface
Safety shutter and laser emission
control over ethernet and wifi
Door interlock error alerts
Control multiple lasers
RS232 control as standard
FTIR micro-spectroscopy
Gas spectroscopy
Multi-photon microscopy
Stand-off chemical sensing
Material characterization and
Raman conversion
THz generation
Deep tissue multi-photon imaging
Nonlinear optics
Pump-probe experiments � Frequency
domain OCT
The STC-Spark-OPO-FIR is the world�s
first commercial broadband ultrafast OPO providing output in
the 5 � 12 �m region. In the 5 � 7 �m region up to 80 mW can
be achieved and at 12 �m up to 10 mW of light is available.
The Spark FIR is an ideal source for spectroscopy in the
molecular fingerprint region as well as stand-off detection
and remote sensing applications.
Standard Specs
Output wavelength
5-12 �m output available
Individual QPM gratings provide
up to 1 �m coverage
Output power
Up to 75 mW at 5-7�m and up to
10mW at 12 �m
Optimised systems for specific
wavelengths available on request.
OPO Wavelength tuning
Wavelength tuning is available
through multiple QPM gratings
Please contact us for tuning
Pump source
Integrated Spark 1040 laser
Further details of pump source on
Pump wavelength
1040 nm
Repetition frequency
100 MHz Monitor photodiode
Control interface
Ethernet, and web page Serial
port (for control via LabView/MatLab)
Custom interface available
970 x 245 x 82 mm (laser head) /
483 x 285 x 86 mm (control unit)
18 kg (laser head) 2 kg (control
Voltage110 � 240 V AC / Frequency
50 � 60 Hz / Power 80W
Air cooled
First commercial quasi-CW OPO in the
fingerprint region
Spectral output available from 5-12
Up to 80 mW from 5-7 �m region and up
to 10mW at 12 �m.
Optional pump output port
100 MHz repetition frequency
Turnkey operation with web-based
Web-based control
Easy to use interface
Safety shutter and laser emission
control over ethernet and wifi
Door interlock error alerts
Control multiple lasers
RS232 control as standard
Finger-print region spectroscopy
Infrared spectroscopy
Gas sensing
Stand-off chemical sensing
Material characterization and
Hyperspectral imaging
Breath analysis
Atmospheric research
Combustion diagnostics
Photoacoustic spectroscopy
Custom Systems

Our focus is
to provide our customers with the latest in state-of-the-art
laser technology tailored for their needs. With a product
range covering 1-12 �m, our ultrafast fibre lasers and OPOs
deliver high performance operation in compact,
cost-effective units. If you have bespoke wavelength
requirements for ultrafast systems please contact us to
discuss how we can meet your needs.