Dual-Focus lenses are a revolutionary new type of lens
for CO2 laser cutting, that can be supplied as a direct replacement for
your conventional lens. Dual-Focus lenses also allow much thicker
materials to be cut at a given laser power. Additional advantages come
from the fact that assist gas requirements are significantly reduced.
50-100% faster cutting of existing materials
Thicker materials may be cut
Polished finishes can be achieved
Elimination of sub-surface dross
Cost Savings on assist gas
Immediate cut initiation with no top surface dross
Reduced sensitivity to errors in setting the focus
Direct replacement of existing lenses
How Do Dual-Focus Lenses Work?
By distributing a calculated fraction of the laser energy
into a secondary (lower) focus, the lenses provide faster, cleaner cuts,
with easier initiation and the elimination of sub-surface dross.

The laser beam is intercepted an focused by a lens having
a central circular region with a focal length which is longer than the
basic lens focal length. The secondary focal area is used to produce the
concentration of laser energy further into the material, while the
energy intercepted by the outer part of the lens produces the �upper�
focus. This results is high energy density and increased localised
temperature at both the upper and the lower foci.
Technical considerations
The introduction of the secondary focal area introduces
two new variables to the focusing lens:
(1) The difference in focal lengths between the basic
lens and the secondary focal area needs to be �tailored� to the
thickness of material to be cut. In general, the thicker the material,
the greater should be the difference in FL.
(2) The diameter of the secondary focal area, in relation
to the diameter of the incident beam, determines the fraction of beam
energy directed to the lower focus.
The propagation calculations for the beams forming the
two foci can be approximated by the application of Gaussian
An increase in the diameter of the secondary focal area
has two effects:
(a) Increases the fraction of energy directed to the
lower focus
(b) Reduces the focused waist diameter, so increasing the
lower focus energy density and reducing the lower focus depth-of-focus.
For a TEM00 beam of (1/e2) diameter
2w, intercepted by a secondary focal area of diameter 2h, the fraction
of beam energy directed to the top and bottom focus are:
Fraction to top focus = exp[-2(h/w)2]
Fraction to bottom focus = 1 - exp[-2(h/w)2]
Successful applications include:
* Cutting thick-section metals, including stainless steel
and aluminium.
* Improved die-board processing (with better process
* Scribing/processing thick-section ceramics.
Important note:
when cutting stainless steel the (main) upper lens focus
must be set near to the top material surface!
Dual-Focus product types
The main ranges of Dual-Focus lenses are:
FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2 Series (1.1"dia 4.2mm ET lenses, 127 &
190mm FLs)
FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2 Series (1.5"dia 6.2mm ET lenses, 127,
190 & 254mm FLs)
FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4 Series (1.5"dia 7.4mm ET lenses, 127,
190 & 254mm FLs)
FLDF-10.6-D38-T9 (1.5"dia 9.0mm ET lenses, 127, 190 &
254mm FLs)
FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6 Series (2.0"dia 9.6mm ET lenses, 127
& 190mm FLs)
Applications guideline
Based on practical trials, the following broad guidelines
are offered for those customers wishing to make their own lens selection
for cutting stainless steel:
The diameter, edge thickness and focal length are
chosen to match their current conventional lens.
dF is
thickness of material to be cut. If a range of
thicknesses is specified, dF should be towards the thinner end. If
the range of thickness varies by more than a factor of 2, then
perhaps more than one lens is recommended.
2h is selected to be 50% of the 1/e2 beam
diameter if the beam mode is a good �00� Gaussian mode. Increase to
60% if the mode looks more like �01*� with a strong central dip.
Material thickness |
dF |
Up to 6mm |
5mm |
8mm |
7.5mm - 10mm |
10mm |
10mm - 12.5mm |
12mm |
12.5mm - 15mm |
15mm |
15mm - 20mm |
Above 15mm |
Apply (experimental) |
These are rough guidelines only.
FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2-F095-dF100-2h060 has a diameter of 28mm (1.1�), a
edge thickness of 4.2mm, a basic focal length of 95mm (3.75"), a
difference of focal length of 10mm, and 2h = 6.0mm.
1. FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2 series dual-focus lenses
FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2 series dual-focus lenses are 1.1"
diameter. They are intended to be used as direct replacements for
conventional lenses in industrial laser systems with �full� beam
diameters up to about 19mm (0.75"). Useful for improved cutting of
stainless steel and aluminium in systems with smaller beam sizes, this
series of lenses are also intended for use in die-board cutting systems.
In laser cutting, dual-focus lenses exhibit some or all of these
* Reduced / eliminated cut dross
* Increased thickness of cut capability
* Increased cut speed
* Improved kerf quality
* Reduced assist-gas usage
* Improved process control (die-board processing)
This technical data sheet presents a range of standard
products. Non-standard lenses can be designed and fabricated to order.
Technical specifications
Material |
Lasergrade ZnSe |
Diameter |
27.94 +0/-0.1mm |
Edge thickness |
4.2 �0.1mm |
Centration |
Within 0.05mm ETV |
Coatings |
AR/AR for 10.6μm (R<0.25% per surface) |
Absorption |
<0.20% at 10.6μm |
LIDT (cw) |
>2000W/mm |
Accuracy of 2h |
�0.5mm |
Note: laser induced damage threshold (LIDT)
Standard parts
There are 3 standard basic focal lengths: 95mm,
127mm, 190mm.
Each FL has several options for the difference in FL,
chosen from the values dF = 5mm, 7.5mm, 10mm, 12.5mm, 15mm.
Each option is available in one of five values for
2h. Standard values for 2h are: 4.0mm, 5.0mm, 6.0mm, 7.0mm, 8.0mm.
The tabulated value �%L� is the percentage of beam
power in the lower focus, for a TEM00 beam of 12.0mm (1/e2)
For 95mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2-F095-dFyyy-2hzzz
For 127mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2-F127-dFyyy-2hzzz
For 190mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D28-T4.2-F190-dFyyy-2hzzz
(mm) |
Focal Difference dF (mm) |
%L |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
050-040 |
075-040 |
100-040 |
125-040 |
150-040 |
050-050 |
075-050 |
100-050 |
125-050 |
150-050 |
050-060 |
075-060 |
100-060 |
125-060 |
150-060 |
050-075 |
075-070 |
100-070 |
125-070 |
150-070 |
050-080 |
075-080 |
100-080 |
125-080 |
150-080 |
2. FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2 series dual-focus lenses
The FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2 series of Dual-Focus lenses are
intended to be used as direct replacements for conventional lenses in
many industrial laser systems and applications. Designed to assist in a
range of thick-section cutting jobs, the FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2 lenses are
intended to give some (or all!) of these advantages:
* Increased
thickness of cut capability
* Improved
kerf quality
* Reduced
assist-gas usage
* Improved
process control (die-board processing)
This technical data sheet presents a range of standard
products. Non-standard lenses can be designed and fabricated to order.
Technical specifications
Material |
Lasergrade |
ZnSe Diameter |
38.0 +0/-0.1mm |
Edge thickness |
+/-0.1mm |
Centration |
Within 0.05mm |
Coatings |
AR/AR for 10.6�m (R<0.25% per surface) |
Absorption |
<0.24% at 10.6�m |
LIDT (cw) |
>2000W/mm |
Accuracy of 2h |
�0.5mm |
Standard parts
There are 3 standard basic focal lengths: 127mm,
190mm, 254mm.
Each FL has three options for the difference in FL,
chosen from the values dF = 5mm, 10mm, 15mm,20mm.
Each option is available in one of five values for
2h. Standard values for 2h are: 5.0mm, 7.0mm,10.0mm, 12.5mm, 15.0mm.
The tabulated value �%L� is the percentage of beam
power in the lower focus, for a TEM00
beam of16.0mm (1/e2)
For 127mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2-F127-dFyyy-2hzzz
For 190mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2-F190-dFyyy-2hzzz
For 254mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2-F254-dFyyy-2hzzz
(mm) |
Focal Difference dF (mm) |
%L |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
050-050 |
100-050 |
150-050 |
200-050 |
050-070 |
100-070 |
150-070 |
200-070 |
10.0 |
050-100 |
100-100 |
150-100 |
200-100 |
12.5 |
050-125 |
100-125 |
150-125 |
200-125 |
15.0 |
050-150 |
100-150 |
150-150 |
200-150 |
Notes: (1)
dF = 5.0 non-standard in FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2-F254 series.
(2) dF = 20.0 is standard for FLDF-10.6-D38-T6.2-F254
series only.
3. FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4 series dual-focus lenses
The FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4 series of Dual-Focus lenses are
intended to be used as direct replacements for conventional lenses in
Trumpf industrial laser systems and applications. Designed to assist in
a range of thick-section cutting jobs, the FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4 lenses
will give some (or all!) of these advantages:
* Increased thickness of cut capability
* Improved kerf quality
* Reduced assist-gas usage
* Faster processing .. see note (1)
* Reduced under-surface dross .. see note (1)
Technical specifications
Material |
Lasergrade ZnSe |
Diameter |
38.1 +0/-0.1mm |
Edge thickness |
7.4 �0.1mm |
Centration |
Within 0.05mm ETV |
Coatings |
AR/AR for 10.6μm (R<0.25% per surface) |
Absorption |
<0.24% at 10.6μm |
LIDT (cw) |
>2000W/mm |
Accuracy of 2h |
�0.5mm |
Note (1):
An independant laser user with a 3kW Trumpf laser reports 35% process
speed increase and 85% dross reduction when cutting 10mm stainless
Standard parts
There are 3 standard basic focal lengths: 127mm,
190mm, 254mm.
Each FL has three options for the difference in FL,
chosen from the values dF = 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm. Each option is
available in one of five values for 2h. Standard values for 2h are:
5.0mm, 7.0mm, 10.0mm, 12.5mm, 15.0mm.
The tabulated value �%L� is the percentage of beam
power in the lower focus, for a TEM00 beam of 16.0mm (1/e2)
For 127mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4-F127-dFyyy-2hzzz |
For 190mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4-F190-dFyyy-2hzzz |
For 254mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4-F254-dFyyy-2hzzz |
(mm) |
Focal Difference dF (mm) |
%L |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
5.0 |
050-050 |
100-050 |
150-050 |
200-050 |
18% |
7.0 |
050-070 |
100-070 |
150-070 |
200-070 |
32% |
10.0 |
050-100 |
100-100 |
150-100 |
200-100 |
54% |
12.5 |
050-125 |
100-125 |
150-125 |
200-125 |
70% |
15.0 |
050-150 |
100-150 |
150-150 |
200-150 |
85% |
Notes: (2)
dF = 5.0 non-standard in FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4-F254 series.
dF = 20.0 is standard for FLDF-10.6-D38-T7.4-F254 series
4. FLDF-10.6-D38-T9 series dual-focus lenses
The FLDF-10.6-D38-T9 series of Dual-Focus lenses may be
used as direct replacements for conventional lenses in certain Bystronic
industrial laser systems normally using 9mm ET lenses. Designed to
assist in a range of thick-section cutting jobs, the FLDF-10.6-D38-T9
lenses will give some (or all!) of these advantages:
* Increased thickness of cut capability
* Improved kerf quality
* Reduced assist-gas usage(1)
* Faster processing
* Reduced under-surface dross
* Improved initial cut penetration
Technical specifications
Material |
Lasergrade ZnSe |
Diameter |
38.0 +0/-0.1mm |
Edge thickness |
9.0 �0.1mm |
Centration |
Within 0.05mm ETV |
Coatings |
AR/AR for 10.6μm (R<0.25% per surface) |
Absorption |
<0.25% at 10.6μm |
LIDT (cw) |
>2000W/mm |
Accuracy of 2h |
�0.5mm |
Note (1)
Using dual-focus lenses, the �main� beam is focused near
the top surface of the workpiece. As a consequence, the nozzle tip
aperture can usually be smaller.
Standard parts
There are 3 standard basic focal lengths: 127mm,
190mm, 254mm.
Each FL has three options for the difference in FL,
chosen from the values dF = 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm. Each option is
available in one of five values for 2h. Standard values for 2h are:
5.0mm, 7.0mm, 10.0mm, 12.5mm, 15.0mm.
The tabulated value �%L� is the percentage of beam
power in the lower focus, for a TEM00 beam of 16.0mm (1/e2)
For 127mm focal length,
part no. is
FLDF-10.6-D38-T9-F127-dFyyy-2hzzz |
For 190mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T9-F190-yyy-zzz |
For 254mm focal length,
part no. is FLDF-10.6-D38-T9-F254-dFyyy-2hzzz |
(mm) |
Focal Difference dF (mm) |
%L |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
5.0 |
050-050 |
100-050 |
150-050 |
200-050 |
18% |
7.0 |
050-070 |
100-070 |
150-070 |
200-070 |
32% |
10.0 |
050-100 |
100-100 |
150-100 |
200-100 |
54% |
12.5 |
050-125 |
100-125 |
150-125 |
200-125 |
70% |
15.0 |
050-150 |
100-150 |
150-150 |
200-150 |
83% |
Notes: (2)
dF = 5.0 non-standard in FLDF-10.6-D38-T9-F254 series.
dF = 20.0 is standard for FLDF-10.6-D38-T9-F254 series
5. FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6 series dual-focus lenses
The FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6 series of dual-focus lenses are
intended to be used as direct replacements for 2.0" diameter,
conventional high-gas- pressure lenses in some (larger) industrial laser
systems. Designed to assist in a range of thick-section cutting jobs,
the FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6 lenses will give some (or all!) of these
* Increased thickness of cut capability
* Improved kerf quality
* Reduced assist-gas usage
* Increased cutting speed
* Reduced lower-surface dross
This technical data sheet presents a range of standard
products. Non-standard lenses can be designed and fabricated to order.
Technical specifications |
Material |
Lasergrade ZnSe |
Diameter |
50.8 +0/-0.1mm |
Edge thickness |
9.6 �0.1mm |
Centration |
Within 0.05mm ETV |
Coatings |
AR/AR for 10.6μm (R<0.25% per surface) |
Absorption |
<0.26% at 10.6μm |
LIDT (cw) |
>2000W/mm |
Accuracy of 2h |
�0.5mm |
Standard parts
There are 3 standard basic focal lengths: 190.5mm,
254.0mm, and 317.5mm. (7.5", 10.0" and 12.5", respectively).
Each FL has three options for the difference in FL,
chosen from the values dF = 10mm,15mm, 20mm, 25mm. Each option is
available in one of five values for 2h. Standard values for 2h are:
10.0mm, 12.5mm, 15.0mm, 19.0mm, 22.5mm.
The tabulated value �%L� is the percentage of beam
power in the lower focus, for a TEM00 beam of 25.0mm (1/e2)
diameter. For smaller or larger beams see eq. 23.00a, data section
For 190mm focal length,
part no. is
FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6-F190-dFyyy-2hzzz |
For 254mm focal length,
part no. is
FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6-F254-dFyyy-2hzzz |
For 317mm focal length,
part no. is
FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6-F317-dFyyy-2hzzz |
(mm) |
Focal Difference dF (mm) |
%L |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
yyy-zzz |
10.00 |
100-100 |
150-100 |
200-100 |
250-100 |
27% |
12.50 |
100-125 |
150-125 |
200-125 |
250-125 |
39% |
15.00 |
100-150 |
150-150 |
200-150 |
250-150 |
51% |
19.00 |
100-190 |
150-190 |
200-190 |
250-190 |
68% |
22.50 |
100-225 |
150-225 |
200-225 |
250-225 |
80% |
Notes: (1)
dF = 10.0 is non-standard in FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6-F317
dF = 25.0 is standard for FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6-F254 and
FLDF-10.6-D50.8-T9.6-F317 lenses only. |