use of GaAs as a passive Q-switch as well as an
output coupler for diode-pumped infrared solid state lasers
Gu, Jianhui; Tam, Siu Chung;
Lam, Yee Loy; Chen, Yihong; Kam, Chan Hin; Tan, Wilson; Xie,
WenJie; Zhao, Gang; Yang, Hongru;
AA(Nanyang Technological
AD(Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology)
AF(Chartered Electro-Optics Pte Ltd.)
Proc. SPIE Vol. 3929, p. 222-228, Solid State Lasers IX, Richard
Scheps; Ed.
Publication Date: 04/2000
Q-switched operation is very common and
important for diode- pumped solid-state lasers. In this paper, we
reported a novel use of GaAs wafers as Q-switch elements as well
as output couplers for DPSS lasers. A pulse duration of 2.6 ns at
the wavelength of 1064 nm was obtained from a diode- pumped and
passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser using a piece of GaAs wafer as
the saturable absorber as well as the output coupler. The
transmissivity and the absorption coefficient of different wafers
were studied. The experimentally measured results indicated that
the transmissivity of different GaAs wafers varied from as low as
approximately 32% to as high as approximately 75%. It was found
that some of those wafers showed Fabry-Perot effect and it could
affect the effective transmissivity and produce lower
transmission, and thus shorten the pulse duration and stabilize
the laser operation.
©2000 SPIE--The International Society for
Optical Engineering.
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