Mechanism of
sudden-change of
output power of
TF CO2 laser
Chen Peifeng, Qiu Junlin, Gong Zhiwei Tang
Zhonghua, Chen Yihong, Chen Tao
Laser Institute Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan, China
According to the experimental results and theoretical analysis,
it is found that there are two operation points in the gas of
non-excited areas. This phenomenon is inherent in the transverse
flow CO2 lasers, and is related to the gas absorption in the
non-absorption areas in the two ends of resonant cavity. When the
output power exceeds a threshold value, the operation point
skips. This skip results in a sudden-change in the output power
of the CO2 laser. A reasonable theoretical explanation is given
here for the phenomenon, and the theoretical value of the
threshold (above 8.9 kW) obtained from our theory is agreement
with the experimental one (above 9.5 kW).
Reprinted from Chinese Journal of Lasers,
Vol. 21, No. 10 (1994), 785-788
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